Water, water – well drilling on Monday


The charitable foundation of Stuttgart’s Bauder company donates €10,000 for the project

Curahuasi lacks fresh water.  The town would probably have enough water, if the city council had installed water meters.  Without these water can be wasted at whim.  A well drilling will be performed near the Colegio Diospi Suyana in order to relieve the school’s water shortage.  The drilling company expects a drill-hole depth of 75m.

Over the past few weeks Daniel Dressler, Oebele de Haan, Stefan Seiler and Udo Klemenz have helped with the preparations.  Yesterday Dr. Klaus John and Sr. Teófilo Norman Arias Anccori signed the 4-page legally binding agreement.

The charitable foundation of Stuttgart’s Paul Bauder GmbH has donated €10,000 to support this project.  By means of a PowerPoint presentation Dr John had outlined the vision for Diospi Suyana to the Bauder brothers. Michael Mörl, from Saxony, had organised this meeting.  Diospi Suyana thanks all persons involved.

Near the school the final measurements are being taken.  Only through a drilling can we definitely determine whether we have discovered water.
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