Current News

Current News

Breaking news: Hospital Diospi Suyana receives license

Governor of the state intervenes overnight in favor of Diospi Suyana

Ordered and given as a complete gift

Three new anesthesia machines from Löwenstein for the Diospi Suyana Hospital

Blown to the winds

The Müller family, Lukas Zeier and six volunteers (IJFD volunteers) say goodbye

The most valuable time of the day

Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. in the auditorium

A message from the runway to the runway

A farewell case from Dr. Fritz Meiswinkel

Don Jorge knows the voice of the people

Insightful comments from the mouth of a cab driver

“New” is not always good, but often

Visions first arise in the mind, but then the excavators roll in

No escape into your own four walls

Encouraged, comforted and sent out

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