Send your US Dollar check to:
Diospi Suyana-USA; “c/o Ms. Abigail Smalligan – Treasurer”
3911 Cleveland Avenue #635143
San Diego, CA 92103
If you would like to send us a donation in EUR, please use our EUR bank account
Account owner: Diospi Suyana e. V.
IBAN: DE18370205000008073700 BIC: BFSWDE33XXX
At the beginning of each new calendar year you will receive written confirmation of your donations for tax deduction purposes. If you would like to be a regular supporter of this charitable work among the Quecha Indians, you can become a Diospi Suyana sponsor and will receive a quarterly newsletter reporting in detail the work of the mission hospital.
Hi there
I am wanting to donate online, however it only allows me to donate via PayPal. Is there another way to contribute to your hospital online? Bless you and your team for all the faithful work you do.
Many thanks.
Bless you, Meegan
Dear Meegan,
In the US you can send a check to
Diospi Suyana – USA
c/o Lia Smith
P.O. Box 50911
Amarillo, TX 79159-0911 USA
Alternatively we can provide you with the international bank codes (BIC etc.)
Tienen cuenta en Euros? Es mucho más fácil para la gente que vive en Europa que tengan una cuenta en algún país de la zona EURO.
Sí, también disponemos de datos bancarios en euros. Estos son el IBAN y BIC:
Propietario de la cuenta: Diospi Suyana e.V.
IBAN: DE18370205000008073700 BIC: BFSWDE33XXX
Saludos cordiales
Olaf Böttger
Drs. Klaus & Martina John,
BLESSINGS to you. What a incrediable mission you have developed in Peru. Your presentation was of heart breaking, but wonderful. Thank you for sharing it. Our prayers and support will always be with you and all the wonderful supporters who are making all possible. Our contribution will be sent to the US address provided. Thank you!
Gabriel Vital-Durand
28. December 2020 at 18:28
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Hi Dieter,
Following up on your offer, could you provide an IBAN n° for an account in euros, please?
Many thanks. Gabriel V-D (
Good day
Is your organization willing to take medical supplies from the US??? If so, what would be the steps. Providing my email address for better and direct communication. Blessings
Does Diospi Suyana takes surgical medical supplies as donation?? Pleas eadvise