… the many journalists and TV teams who have spread the news of Diospi Suyana as faith ministry through more than 400 reports worldwide.
… the Peruvian President Dr. Alan García and his wife Sra. Pilar Nores de García for the official audience at the Government Palace on April 26, 2008.
… the former First Lady of Germany Mrs. Eva Maria Köhler for inviting us to Schloss Bellevue on March 20, 2007.
… the former First Lady of Peru Sra. Pilar Nores de García for inviting us to her office and accepting our wish to become the patroness of the mission hospital.
… the Peruvian TV channel “Panamericana” especially director Sr. Renato Canales for giving Diospi Suyana an extensive TV coverage in Peru.
… the honorary President of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Prof. Dr. Ludwig Georg Braun for his personal visit of the Diospi Suyana Hospital and his faithful support through his company BB Braun and Aesculap.
… the German Ambassador, Dr. Roland Kliesow for the reception at the embassy and his ongoing support until the day of his retirement.
… the Evangelical National Council of Churches in Peru (CONEP) for admitting Diospi Suyana to the Church Council and for its support in negotiations with the authorities.
… the former bishop of the diocese of Abancay/Peru Padre Sala Ribera for the sale of the plot of land for the hospital in Curahuasi at a preferential price and his help to import two trucks for the hospital.
… the former President of the Parliament of the Federal State of Thuringia, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Schipanski for her excellent words of greeting and photograph for the Diospi Suyana brochure.
… Pastor Ulrich Parzany (former General Secretary of the YMCA – National Association) for his generous willingness to support the project in all Diospi Suyana publications. In addition he invited us twice to ProChrist events that reached churches all over Europe with the idea of Diospi Suyana.
… the Christoffel Mission to the Blind of South America, in particular its Director Dr. Martin Ruppenthal for his assistance in contacting the Government in Lima and La Paz and the generous donation of equipment.
… Rolf Nikel, former Head of the Political Department of the German Embassy in Washington for the special opportunity to present the project to diplomats and representatives of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Interamerican Development Bank.
… Prof. Charles Ferguson for his work in the American Diospi Suyana association and his preparation of our two presentations at the Massachusetts General Hospital of Harvard University.