In the Press

Triple Helix (Great Britain)

Klaus-Dieter and Martina John tell the story of how faith moved mountains to provide a hospital for the Quechua people in the Peruvian Andes

Good News (Great Britain)

"Diospi Suyana Hospital is one more example of the old truth that it's the crazy who change the world"

Cardiovascular Medicine (Switzerland)

Talking about great undertakings while having a few beers is one thing, but putting your career...

Vox Magazine (Northern Ireland/Ireland)

"For me, faith has meant clinging to the cross of Christ sometimes out of desperation!"

The Weekly News (Great Britain)

Top surgeon uprooted family to create mission to help the descendants of the ancient Incas.

Good News (Great Britain)

Dr. Klaus-Dieter John had no money or equipment yet his multi-million pound hospital ...

iBelieve (Great Britain)

Building a £ 7 million hospital in Peru looked like being a plan that was too big for ...

Church of England Newspaper (Great Britain)

It is a remarkable story, and one that has been described as nothing short of miraculous.

The War Cry (Great Britain)

How do you build a multimillion-dollar hospital for the poor people of the Peruvian Andes when ...

The Carillon (Canada)

Steinbach nurse heads to Peru. This is the first English press article in Canada.

Lift-Report (36th year – 2010)

Wolf-Dietrich Schreier from Eibenstock, a lift industry specialist, and ...

Gasworld (USA)

The US’ On Site Gas Systems has donated an oxygen generator to a Peruvian hospital, set-up in recent years with minimal funding ...

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