The start of the two year teaching training course CALEDU
Even without speaking Spanish one can understand “CALidad EDUcativa“, can’t one? This week the school leadership team, supported by a school psychologist, started a two-year course, in which all teachers can scrutinise their own work.
In the upcoming four semesters all staff members take part in two internal workshops, each of which focuses on specific areas of their job. Two classroom visits follow each of the training units, in which the teachers can implement what they have learnt. In the debriefing session of these “observaciones” each teacher receives individual feedback and can work through further online modules.
The themes of the four semesters are: “Teaching”, “Educating”, “Evaluing” and “Innovating”.
If the hospital has been working under the motto: “The best for the poorest” for nearly ten years the School would like to follow suit with its two goals: Christian upbringing and excellent education for all levels of society.