The great hat trick of an English-US team

Of course voluntary

For the third time. A hard piece of work. And without making a big fuss about their use. Englishwoman Janet Yachoua and American Jennifer Baldwin have also translated the third book about Diospi Suyana into English. The style and choice of words are attractive to both the subjects of King Charles and the free citizens of “America is beautiful.” Now the search for a publisher begins again.

Janet and Jennifer don’t hang their months of work out to dry. They support Diospi Suyana for one simple reason: they see God at work and think that an English readership will also be inspired and encouraged by modern miracles. After all, if belief in the God of the Bible is more than a worldview, then it is relevant to everyone.

We hardly dare to tell the two translators, but in 2024 the fourth book about Diospi Suyana is to be written. A very small hint with the fence post. In any case, we thank Janet and Jennifer from the bottom of our hearts. You are the greatest!!

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