These are the types of people that we need
You would not think that the fives ladies have just landed after an inter-continental flight. They arrived in Lima yesterday morning at 06:30 a.m. Three nurses, one surgical-technical assistant and one paediatrician. Dana Hennig (centre back in the photo) met the group at the airport. When they leave the language school in Arequipa in the summer they will arrive perfectly on time for the opening of the new wing of the hospital. The immigration authority gave them visas for 30 to 183 days, whatever they asked for. Welcome to Peru! They will spend the next few days in Lima trying to get the “Carnet Extranjeria“ (residence permit). The five missionaries have two things in common: their belief in the reality of God and their enthusiasm to spend three years working at Diospi Suyana.
We wish all new arrivals protection, perseverance and many good experiences. Even if they cannot speak Spanish yet we say: “Bienvenidas, Herzlich willkommen!”
But who are these on the photo? From left to right: Susan Kirchhoff, Annerose Müller, Annette Goss, Dana Hennig, Stefanie Heese and Mechthild Pochert.