How Ulrike Seibold heard about Diospi Suyana
When we inherit a large sum of money, not many of us would think about giving part of it away. But Ulrike Seibold did. During her search for a trustworthy charitable organisation she happened to speak to an optician couple in Remshalden: “Have you heard of Diospi Suyana in Peru?” asked Klaus and Christine Fitz their customer. She shook her head. Shortly afterwards she had finished reading the book “I have seen God”. So far she has given volume 1 twice as a present. So far so good.
In April she transferred a sum of money to Diospi Suyana and in May she set up a standing order. She had no idea that she would become our 1,000th sponsor. But who exactly is Ulrike Seibold? The lady with the good heart had been manageress of the “Württembergischen Landessynode” (The Synod of the State of Württemberg) until October 2014.
We feel honoured being helped by Ms Seibold in this way and say a cordial “Dankeschön“. It goes without saying that all of us will buy our next set of spectacles at Optician Fitz in Remshalden.
(Foto above: Evang. Medienhaus GmbH/Gottfried Stoppel)