In the factory hall of the Lautenschläger company in Cologne
Tobias Lächele, head of our workshops, is currently on a lecture tour in Germany. Yesterday he went to Cologne to be present at the commissioning of our sterilizer. The owners of the Lautenschäger company, Susanne Meurer and Dr. Markus Meurer, have been supporting Diospi Suyana for 15 years.
The company has reduced the price of the new device by 50%. The other half was shouldered by the Aumund Foundation.
Tobias Lächele writes: “A technician showed me all the relevant measures to install the device safely at our hospital. I also made important contacts with the IT department and the service team!”
The next container will also be used to load the steri. A big thank you to all involved for this action of friendship. /KDJ – Legend: Tobias Lächele (left) and the couple Meurer (right)