This was the second lecture tour through Brazil
It is still pitch dark in Porto Alegre. At four o’clock I meet Markus Steiger at the car. We both say another prayer. Then the remote control opens the big gate. We are careful especially at night. Not 500 meters further up the mountain, the drug mafia rules. I drive through empty streets of the megacity towards the airport. Two interesting weeks lie behind me. I look back with gratitude.
Ruth Doege from Jaraguá do Sul was instrumental in preparing this tour. Markus Steiger, Brigitte Klemz and Claus Hinze from far away Germany helped diligently with contacts. 17 lectures and interviews in the southernmost three states of Brazil. As usual, I gave the presentations to schoolchildren, students, entrepreneurs and, of course, many Christians in church congregations. More than 1200 listeners experienced the lectures live. 300 books about the history of Diospi Suyana are now on many Brazilian shelves and will hopefully soon be read. In October, a magazine (10,000 subscriptions) plans to devote a page to the topic, and a 90-minute interview will be broadcast as a podcast via various social media.
Friday, September 30: A Brazilian couple invited me for lunch. The two of them are not only lovable, but also really smart people. The entertainment is as good as the delicious food cooked by Ana Paula Lima. We immediately notice that as Christians we have many things in common.
Daniel Lima shows me one of his woodworks. It is the empty tomb of Jesus. The stone is rolled to the side. The only hope I know and the foundation of Diospi Suyana.
My bags are packed. I’m working on the website when there’s a knock on the door of my guest room late in the afternoon. We wish Daniel and Ana a safe journey back to Peru. They press another gift bag into my hand, which I gratefully accept. When I empty my suitcase in Curahuasi in the evening, I want to know what the Limas have packed for me. You have given me the empty tomb of Jesus. It must have been in her living room for years, and now it adorns the sideboard in our home.
Everywhere in the world where people kneel before the cross of Christ and rejoice in His resurrection, faith burns brightly. And this bright glow not only arouses sentimental feelings, but even “miraculously” builds modern hospitals and schools. /KDJ