A decalcification system and new dental chairs are installed
The workshop department cannot complain about a lack of orders. And that’s a good thing. Hard work helps build muscle, replacing the gym. Besides, idleness would be the beginning of all vices. The colleagues around Pit Werner also remain on the path of virtue with their current projects.
These days, a decalcification plant plus ozone filter is being set up right next to the large water cysterne. The project helps protect the hospital’s pipes and provides additional sterility.
In the dental clinic, our people make a lot of noise and dust. Three old dental chairs go into their well-deserved retirement after 12 years. Thankfully, the Sirona company sponsored three new units for us. Pipes for improved extraction are still being laid before installation. By the way, the central suction pump is a donation from Dürr Dental.
As a reward for their valiant efforts, we will pull three or four teeth for our employees free of charge – and we will do it by lottery. It’s a little reminiscent of the movie “The Dentist” from Dick and Doof. And will be just as fun.