What’s happening on the campsite 1

Dear Diospi Suyana friends and readers of the construction report,

last Saturday we could already concrete the second half of the cistern wall. This was very good, because the following days we had heavy rains that filled the pit with water. Fortunately, it quickly dried out again in the cistern and we made good progress with the slab formwork. The peeling here is, of course, hard manual work. Supports from eucalyptus logs and yoke beams must be cut to size. After all, for the majority of the area we can reuse the wall shell elements.

In the lower building, the outer walls up to the window band have been finished and the bracing columns have also been concreted as of today. The ring beam then rests on these. Inside, there is still a lot to be done. The partition walls of the showers and toilets are 40% finished. After that, they still need to be plastered. Unfortunately, this is progressing slowly, as there is little space – but at least it is progressing!

Unfortunately, this was probably already my last construction report, starting next week, Udo Klemenz will report again from the construction site. I enjoyed the short mission in Curahuasi very much and I want to thank you all for your interest and prayers!

Have a nice and blessed weekend, Johannes Bahr

Concreting of the second section of the wall last Saturday
Eucalyptus logs – yoke beams – shuttering panels
The ceiling almost turned on
The excavation pit is backfilled.
The progress of construction in 3D model
In the showers and toilets the partition walls are bricked.
The sewage pipe is laid.


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