Roche is Donating Reagents for the Next Six Months

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A thank you to Lima and Basel

When four employees of the hospital laboratory come together for a photo, there is a reason.  In this case, Diospi Suyana has received reagents for a period of six months. Through the generous donation from Roche, the missionary hospital saves an estimated $15,000 US dollars.  Administration director Stefan Seiler (left) looks pretty satisfied as does Dr. Jens Hassfeld, vice-director of the hospital; they can even be tempted to relax with a laugh. It goes without saying that the biologist Ms. Julissa and MTA Sadith who work every day with these products, look to the camera with dignified seriousness.

As always, good things often take time.  In January, Dr. John went to Basel to meet with one of the directors of Roche.  On February 17, Sr. Roberto Taboada, the new CEO of Roche Peru, personally heard the story of Diospi Suyana.  The result is absolutely stunning.  The hospital staff sends their thanks to all those at Roche in Basel and Lima.

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