– We hope that the Peruvian Secretary of Finance will add Diospi Suyana to the list of organizations that can accept non-monetary tax deductible donations from Peruvian companies.
– On Monday, Dr John will talk to the new director of the medical board of Apurímac about a future cooperation.
– On Tuesday, we will file the first applications for temporary work permits for two Diospi Suyana staff in Lima.
– We are planning another meeting with the president of the Peruvian oil company Pesca to talk about underwriting the cost of the tiles needed for the hospital.
– Tuesday night, Dr John will fly to Germany for three weeks.
– Another container needs to be loaded and sent to Peru via ship.
– We are also planning to meet up with various companies representatives and members of the press.
– On the construction site, the emergency ward rooms will be tiled and the roof of the stage will be finished. As soon as the donation of the Oberle foundation is in the bank account, we will order all windows for the hospital
Please pray with us for God’s direction and His blessing!