Orthopaedic workshop – stopped, Hospital Extension – stopped, aerial tower in Andahuaylas – stopped

2 Der Lago Titicaca
A live report from Lake Titicaca

Dear Diospi Suyana Friends, as mentioned elsewhere today’s building report comes from Puno.  At our Aerial Tower Site in Andahuaylas the subcontractor has delayed work on the planum for the installations and has started digging the four building pits which will contain the mast’s foundations.  I hope he will work will conscientiously and in such a way that I can adequately check on what he is doing from a distance and won’t have to make the arduous journey to the site too often.

On the Hospital compound between the guard’s house and the children’s playground we have started making the preparations for building the orthopaedic workshop.  We want to provide our orthopaedic specialist, who will start his five year stint here in the autumn, with a suitable working environment to help him deal with the manifold orthopaedic needs of our patients.

The Hospital’s New Storey is hopefully progressing according to plan: tiling, applying the screed in the stairwell and starting to install the ventilation ducts in the second stage of construction.

With best regards from Lake Titicaca and wishing you a blessed weekend, Udo

1 Auf dem Plano Alto Richtung Puno
On the Altiplano on our way to Puno.
3 Koordinaten und NN-Hoehe fuer einen moeglichen Antennenstandort
Measuring the coordinates and the altitude above NN for a possible location for an antenna.
Gasse in Puno
A back street in Puno.
5 Kartoffelverkauf direkt vor dem Hotel
Potatoes being sold directly in front of the hotel.
6 Ausschachtungsarbeiten in Andahuaylas
Excavation work for our Aerial Tower in Andahuaylas.
7 Am rechten Bildrand erkennt man die erste Baugrube
Front right: the first building pit.
8 Das Baufeld für die Orthopaediewerkstatt wird hergerichtet
Preparing the construction field for the orthopaedic workshop.
9 Ein Findling wird mit vereinten Kraeften zur Seite gerueckt
We found this small boulder which we needed to get off site!
10 Waschtisch in einem Patientenbad
A washbasin in a patient’s wash room.
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