Major Demonstrations in Peru for the family and against the Gender Ideology

Curahusi Demo 1

In Curahuasi as well as in many other cities Protestants and Catholics marched together

Yesterday many demonstrations took place all over Peru for keeping the family unit as the most important cell of society and against sexual equality.  Official estimates state that roughly 100,000 people across the country took part in the rallies.  Protestant Groups and the Catholic Church were united in their stance that God created humans as man and woman.  Both sexes are equally valuable for God, but are not at all the same.

The demonstrators defined the slogan: “Con Mis Hijos No Te Metas” (analogous: shield my children from the Gender-Ideology!) as the unit Father-Mother-Child.

In Curahuasi Doris Manco, head of Diospi Suyana’s Media Centre, had organised the action group.  Diospi Suyana is convinced that a society which does not strengthen the role of the family (Father, Mother, Child) will sooner or later declare its social bankruptcy.

[button color=”#ffffff” background=”#be1729″ size=”medium” src=”″]TV-report from Curahuasi[/button]

Priester und Doris auf Demo
Doris Manco (centre) organised the local action group.
Curahuasi Demo 2
The demonstrators reach the central square in Curahuasi.
Kamera im Turm von Curahuasi
A colleague from Diospi-Suyana TV films from the church tower of the Catholic Church.
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