This question is not an issue for her!
I know from personal experience that one can sleep wonderfully in some church services. And ten minutes after the final “Amen” many visitors cannot recall the readings or the main points of the sermon. They are there in body, but their thoughts are miles away from the pew they are currently sitting on. We all know this feeling, provided we stray to a church event from time to time.
The guy at the front is speaking about how Jesus Christ came to save the world and we are bored to death.
Friday morning in the Diospi Suyana service. During the last song I notice a Quechua Indian, who joins in the singing with gusto. She celebrates each line of every verse. Awestruck she lifts up her hands. Her song is more than a prayer, a pleading, a stammering. Surely she is fully focused on God at every moment and that is the reason why she stood in the presence of the Almighty.