Breaking News: A Dutch publisher will publish both Diospi Suyana books

Kees Scholten slider

Uitgeverij Scholten in Zwolle bucks up

John Lentink, our ultrasound expert, had the idea years ago.  Now the idea has become a reality.  The publisher “Uitgeverij Scholten” plans to release the Dutch version of our second book “God has seen us” in the Netherlands this September.  Currently our first book, “I have seen God” is being translated with high pressure by a Dutch lady, currently living in Finland.

Last year Marjan de Haan translated the second book in an honorary capacity.  John Lentink contacted “Uitgeverij Daniël‘s” CEO.  Andries Loos passed the request on to the bigger Scholten publisher and Kees Scholten started burning for the idea.

This afternoon Dr John held a presentation about Diospi Suyana for about 20 multipliers in Zwolle at the end of which the foundation was laid.  At the general brainstorming afterwards the two publishing managers at the table (see picture above) kept coming up with new ideas.  The first official presentation tour of the missionary doctor is planned for October.  Using print- and TV-media should acquaint wide swathes of the population with the topic “Diospi Suyana”.  John Lentink naturally qualifies as translator.

After German, Spanish, English, Rumanian and Polish, Dutch is the sixth language in which Diospi Suyana’s story will be published.  Zwolle is 100km east of Amsterdam.

Scholten Verlag
The publisher’s website.  A good book for the calm moments.
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