Diospi Suyana’s worldwide radius


Communications we have received over the past 48 hours from across the globe

The community surrounding Diospi Suyana has grown rapidly over the past few years.  The following requests that have been received from various countries over the past 48 hours speak volumes.  No one could have foreseen this development ten years ago.

Maldives – a doctor applies to work for Diospi Suyana.

North India – a nurse would like to work for Diospi Suyana.

Rumania – a lady sends us a touching email: she had heard a talk about Diospi Suyana six months ago and now she is dreaming to become a teacher in Curahuasi.

England – a student would like to take part in a course at the Diospi Suyana Hospital.

Seychelles – a resident missionary couple asks about their chances for joining Diospi Suyana.

Germany – a medical student studied medicine mainly on account of a Diospi Suyana presentation and expressed interest to join us.

USA – a lady would like to come to Peru for a short-term placement.

Peru – a secretary asks for an appointment for her mother.

The widespread notoriety of Diospi Suyana is due to the mass media.  In 2004 while talking to upper class inhabitants in Berlin my wife and I were warned: “If you continue to speak about God you will never make it into any secular TV-programme!”  Fortunately their warning proved wrong.  In our database we have registered over 450 reports, in which Diospi Suyana’s work of faith has been publicised in many countries.  50 of them are TV-reports.  With a wry smile we say: Soli Deo Gloria!

(Weltkarte von  “www.ratinho-arts.com – powered by GOD”)

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