As is well known, the highlight comes in the evening
At 3:15 a.m. I wake up. As so often, a trip to Lima is on the agenda again. At 10 a.m., Latam’s plane lands in hot and humid Lima. I am in for a long session with three lawyers in the San Isidro district. Around 2 p.m., the Advincula family welcomes me to their business office in Surco. The founder of a business empire and her son Victor want to help prepare the youth festival. Maybe you could organize the trip of 100 young people? There is no lack of ideas.
After another meeting in a representative of Mitsubishi, I enter the guest house of Diospi Suyana at half past five. I’m hungry and feeling pretty beat up. No sooner have I put down my laptop bag than my cell phone rings. “Come to the Molina district immediately. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m.!” And there I am again, standing on Avenida Ayacucho with my thumbs up. It is not so easy to find a cab in rush hour traffic. But my patience is rewarded. The cab driver has seen a TV report about Diospi Suyana before. For 40 minutes we talk animatedly about medicine, the politics of the day, and faith.
We are here. An unknown young lady opens the portal. In the background, four people are sitting around a table outside. In the center, I recognize Congresswoman Milagros Aguayo, her husband Ps. Guillermo Aguayo and Susy Advincula and their son Victor. When I politely take my leave three hours later, important decisions have long since been made. Next Monday, Diospi Suyana’s vision-including the festival-will be presented to more than 100 multipliers at a breakfast luncheon. The advice to me is, “Show up in a suit and tie!”
I had no idea of this positive outcome of the day when I left in the morning. A life in Peru is unpredictable and at the hand of God exciting to the max. /KDJ