Benefit wedding of Werner and Regine Sonneborn

Udo Klemenz Jack of all trades

Diospi Suyana is always happy when two dear people enter into the holy state of marriage. All the more so if on this occasion a collection is made for the good cause in Peru. Werner and Regine Sonneborn are firmly part of our mission. We wish them both God’s rich blessing for their life together. And a heartfelt thank you for the four-figure donation.

Oh yes, wasn’t civil engineer Udo Klemenz at the construction site of our recreation home just the other day? In the meantime, he and his wife, Barbara, have had another Covid episode. At the wedding he acted as a respecter and best man. As we heard, he wants to show up in Curahuasi again soon. When you’re young, you still have a lot of strength and energy – just like Udo Klemenz.

Best man Udo Klemenz far right next to the groom
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