105 days until the big anniversary celebration
Dear friends, this week offered a flurry of unspectacular minor works, which, taken together, play a fairly important role in the bigger scheme of things.
The plumber had his work cut out with the cold and hot water supply pipes, which run just like the electrical wiring and the network cable racks above the suspended ceilings of the corridors. The wall for the toilet conversion has been broken through and the structural work for the extension of the dressing room lockers is complete.
Tiling in the intensive care unit has been started and in the first stage of construction the painters are doing the foundation work and are applying the top coating. A small group is taking care of the exterior rendering work of the orthopaedic workshop. Under the roof of the hospital extension a separation wall has been erected for future Bodega (store rooms).
I used the opportunity of our medical mission day in Poltocsa/ Andahuaylas last weekend to make a final inspection of the construction work at our local aerial tower site (see top picture). Apart from a few minor rectifications that still need to be done, I praised the subcontractor for his good work. Furthermore, we will ask him to do the foundation works of our planned 50m high aerial tower in Casabamba / Chincheros. Currently a test pit is being dug in order to make a soil survey.
Wishing you a wonderful May-weekend and God’s rich blessing for the week ahead, Udo.