And once again, everything has its backstory
In the middle of the picture, the viewer can see our new endoscopy tower. It is truly not a matter of course that a missionary hospital is equipped with such good technology. On the left, nurse Alicia stands next to the patient. The Peruvian has been working at the hospital for many years. Alicia is very experienced and enthusiastic. Dr. Oliver Schmidt (right) carries a US passport in his pocket, has German roots and a heart that beats for Paraguay. His wife Anna Pereira is a volunteer in the hospital’s administration.
Dr. Schmidt has invested nine years of his life at the Yalve Sanga Mission Hospital for sick people from several Indian tribes in the Chaco region of Paraguay. He is definitely hereditarily “burdened”. His grandparents John and Clara Schmidt founded the famous leprosy hospital “Kilometer 81”, which today enjoys a legendary reputation in his home country. And his father is considered the founder of the field of general medicine in Paragua. It is a privilege for Diospi Suyana to have people like the Schmidts in the team. In summary, the above picture can be interpreted as follows. An excellent doctor, a capable nurse and modern equipment. What more could you want? /KDJ