Planned from the very beginning

Kugel family goes all out

When little Elias saw the light of day in Berlin on April 3, 1991, two young doctors were traveling through Peru at the same time. Klaus and Martina John will leave the Andean country with a firm resolution: We will come back and found a modern hospital for the descendants of the Incas.

November 2011: Elias Kugel is a medical student. In Siegen, he attends a lecture on a mission hospital in Peru. After the presentation, he gets into a conversation with Dr. Klaus John: “I’m only at the very beginning of my studies,” complains the Berliner, “until I could work at a hospital with my specialist’s degree in my pocket, it will unfortunately still take many years!”

The German-Peruvian dryly replies: “Moses first tended sheep in the desert for 40 years before he led a people out of slavery into freedom. So don’t panic!”

On July 15, 2016, he married Nifin, a social worker. The Syrian woman from Damascus has lost her home. Actually, she is an Orthodox Christian, but only after the early death of her mother, she ponders the meaning of life. She understands that she can find comfort, fulfillment and hope in God.

Before walking down the aisle, Elias came clean to his pretty wife: “When I’m a specialist, I want to work with Diospi Suyana in Peru!” Goal orientation has a name: Elias Kugel!

The family expands with two golden children. Actually, everything is like a picture book. Specialist achieved. State examination with the grade 1. Employment at the famous Charité in Berlin. The career picks up speed and nothing stands in the way of big money.

January 7, 23: Mr. and Mrs. Kugel once again listen to a lecture by the mission doctor. The setting is a restaurant in Berlin. More than 11 years have passed since the first meeting in Siegen. Talking to Dr. John, the internist makes a succinct but important comment: “We’re ready. You’re good to go!”

October 3, 2023: More than 120 friends and acquaintances of the Kugels gather at Gut Osdorf near Großbeeren. They hear and see with wide eyes that a young family wants to put all their eggs in one basket. In the name of love and motivated by faith in Jesus Christ. Planned departure for South America: 2024

Who actually shaped Elias and Nifin the most, perhaps the eternal storyteller from Peru? Not at all! In Elias’ case, it was his devout grandmother from Slovakia. “Read the Bible and think about the important questions of life!” was always her recommendation. And who steered Nifin in the right direction? It was a woman with an exemplary lifestyle, a refugee from Syria and a committed Christian – namely her late mother.

Dr. Elias Kugel and his wife Nifin on their wedding day
With children Silas and Ara Randa
There was a lot going on at Gut Osdorf near Großbeeren yesterday.
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