With the request for the blessing of God
Four days spoke Karina Pereyra and Srta. Judith at various venues in the megacity of Arequipa about the planned youth festival. Late in the evening they boarded a bus to drive 15 hours back to Curahuasi. Don Donato drove the purchased truck 20 hours from Lima to Curahuasi. He is currently on the road again, this time to Cusco, where the loading area with hydraulic function is to be built in a workshop. Doris Manco and Dr. John arrived in Lima yesterday by plane. Today and tomorrow, they will make eight appointments to convince multipliers and company bosses in the capital of the blessing of a youth festival.
Container No. 80 is still stuck in customs. Iberia brought two large supplies to Lima for the festival. The boxes of the loudspeaker system are located at an airport in Miami, waiting for further transport.
In Curahuasi, patients are lining up again and two teams are fighting against time at the campsites. If you want to have a quiet life, you should not work in a project like Diospi Suyana.