10 pm in the cafeteria of the hospital in Kulmbach:
I just finished my speech in front of 50 people.
“Would it be possible that I also work in your hospital one day?”, asks a young man with the age of approximately 25 years.
“May I ask who you are and where you’re from?”
“I am a medical student from Finland, but at the moment I am studying at the University of Munich for 3 months.”
“Where have you heard of us?” I am becoming curious.
“I went from Vienna to Bratislava by train in August 2007. There was an issue of the “DB Mobil” in the compartment, and I read the article about you and your wife. A few months ago, I looked at the website of Diospi Suyana and found out about your speeches in Germany. And so I went from Munich to Kulmbach by train!”
“But it must have taken 3 hours to get here?”
“Yeah, it took a little longer because I had to transfer twice!”
“Why are you interested in Diospi Suyana?”
“I read on your website that you are not interested in theological persnicketiness but in faith in action. That’s what convinced me!”
We were on the highway to Munich at 10:30 pm. I took the student home and then wanted to drive to Salzburg.
We have three hours to talk. “There is a big federation of Christian physicians in Finland. You should absolutely hold your speech about Diospi Suyana there!”
When we were saying good bye at 1:30 pm, he said to me: “I am coming to Curahuasi. You can count on that. First we see each other in Helsinki and then in Peru!”
I looked for the entrance ramp to the highway in the fizzle and suddenly dreamed of the Finish lakes.