Hoisting of Peruvian, German and regional flags.
Peruvian and German national anthems
Dr. Roland Kliesow and Dr. Klaus-Dieter John are awarded medals of honour from the city of Curahuasi.
First speech: Dr. Klaus Dieter John
Second speech: Dr. Allen George
Musical presentation by the Colegio Antonio Ocampo
Greetings from the President of the evangelical churches in Curahuasi
Greetings from catholic priest Padre Tomas Garcia
Musical presentation by the group “Conjunto Evangelico”
Presentation of future members of staff of Diospi Suyana
Musical presentation by the “Trio Curahuasi”
Greetings from the Deputy President of the regional Government, Sr. Angel Parrantes
Third speech: Dr. Roland Kliesow, German Ambassador to Peru
Folklore dance by the group “Particular Jesus Evangelisador”
Greetings from the Head of the construction company, Constructec, Judd Johnson
Message by Dr. Victor Arroyo, director of the National Evangelical Council of Churches
The first cut of the spade by the German Ambassador, Dr. Roland Kliesow, the designated Director of the hospital, Dr. Klaus-Dieter John and the Director of the National Evangelical Council of Churches, Dr. Victor Arroyo, followed by a prayer of blessing.
Invitation to a small snack – 5000 open sandwiches and 4000 drinks were consumed.