Meds for me – a husband for you

A real deal among friends

It was March 10, 2019, after a long journey, Mission Doctors John arrived at the San Mateo Health Station near the city of Chalhuanca. Up there in the mountains, Peruvian doctor Lincy Herrea completed her obligatory “rural year” after passing her state exams. One phone call was enough: “I still have boxes of medicines left after a medical village trip. You can have them!” The Johns didn’t need to be told twice and drove ten hours through the mountains for this offer.

A few months passed and Lincy became part of the Diospi Suyana work team. And how could it be otherwise, at the Hospital Diospi Suyana she found the great love of her life – the dentist Dr. Daniel Almeyda. With a little imagination, you could say: one husband in exchange for seven boxes of medicine. Perhaps this statement is a bit exaggerated. What is true is that last Saturday in our hospital church an unforgettable wedding ceremony immortalized this marriage. And of course, we wish the couple God’s rich blessings for their life together.

Over the years, countless friendships and marriages have been formed at Diospi Suyana. That’s live! /KDJ (Photo above: Marielene Lächele)

Dr. Lincy Herrera hands Dr. Martina John the medication. This event happened four and a half years ago.
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