On October 27th last year Drs. Klaus and Martina John were able to present the Diospi Suyana project to the then President of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of the Board of B.Braun Melsungen, Ludwig Georg Braun. Now the talks are bearing fruit.
First, Braun/Peru will supply the mission hospital with disposable goods free of charge for the first year. Second, there was a generous injection of cash for the construction of the hospital. We extend our thanks to the Director of Braun/Peru, Sra. Lorena Kieffer, for her friendly and active support.
The Aesculap Co. will be making a significant contribution to the equipping of the 4 operating theaters. At a meeting today in Tuttlingen, OtmarWawrik, Roland Fröhlich and Helmut Parotat were very open to the needs of Diospi Suyana.
Photo 1. Ms. Lorena Kieffer (Braun/Peru) after talks with Dr.John in Lima on April 8th.
Photo 2. Helmut Parotat, Roland Fröhlich, Dr. Klaus John and Otmar Wawrik (Vice President of European Marketing at Aesculap)