98 days until the big anniversary celebration
Dear Diospi Friends, Curahuasi is currently experiencing an unexpected small rainy season: for three days now we have had cold und unpleasant rainy weather. The sun puts in an appearance a couple of minutes each day, which results in the fact that we have no warm water, since we are dependent on solar power. Nevertheless working is progressing well on our building sites.
Amphitheatre: Fa Malla Flores has brought the necessary material on-site for the tent-shaped roof and has set up the site facilities. For our big anniversary celebration on 31st August marking 10 years of the Hospital Diospi Suyana this interesting construction should be completed.
Orthopaedic Workshop: the roof covering has been encased, the non-load bearing partitioning walls are being erected and as the outside finery is finished we have started work on the inner finery. The steel profiles for the roof truss have arrived on the building site and the subcontractor has started welding.
Hospital Extension: is progressing quickly. Tiling is continuing in the intensive care unit and in the next few days a subcontractor will start erecting the necessary partitioning walls. The toilet conversion is complex, but is going ahead steadily. In the mean time the large (60 x 60 cm) floor tiles for the wards have arrived and can be put into place
Aerial unit in Casabamba: a 2.6m deep test pit has been dug and at the moment the soil evaluation is being performed. We hope to award the contract for the structural work within the next few days.
Rainforest in Puerto Maldonado: the subcontractor has started excavating the large individual foundations for the 50m high antenna.
I wish you a relaxing and blessed long weekend! Udo.