19 days left until the Youth Festival
Dear Diospi Suyana friends, due to the busy schedule leading up to the festival, we are now working an extra hour every day and today on Maundy Thursday (a holiday in Perú) is also a full working day. On Easter Monday, we will hopefully start the final spurt with fresh energy.
In the past reporting week, we made satisfactory progress under the given circumstances. In building two, the masonry work has been completed except for the gables, the ring beam has been concreted and the sides have been stripped again. The steel erector can start installing the roof. The roof trusses have already been delivered. In the interior, the first shower stalls are plastered. The plumbing and electrical pipework is laid.
For Building 1, the floor slabs on both sides of the cistern deck have been concreted and masonry work for the exterior and interior masonry is well underway. The cistern ceiling must remain shuttered for about 2 weeks. The rainwater that has entered through the access hatch has been pumped out and rough cleaning has begun.
A happy and blessed Easter wishes you Udo with the old Easter saying: “The Lord is risen, he is truly risen! Hallelujah!”