Europe’s largest tent provider shows solidarity with Diospi Suyana

The brilliant breakthrough for the planned youth festival in April 2023

The traffic jam near Brussels was terrible, but the meeting in Renaix, Belgium, took place after all with some delay. Present were the CEO of Europe’s largest tent distributor Glenn Verborgh, export director Christoph Schäfer, manager Mike Denys and of course Robert van Iterson from Outbreak in southern Germany. Once again, Dr. Klaus John – who had just arrived from Peru – told the story of Diospi Suyana.

World of Tents (Autentic) supports the project of Diospi Suyana in a very extreme way. 177 new (!) large tents will be donated for Diospi Suyana’s future youth festivals. The amount is in the high six-figure range. The German club acquires 57 tents at the market price. Thus, 2,000 young people will find places to sleep in absolute quality tents.

The 234 tents are now the foundation for our youth festivals for the next few years. Robert van Iterson – himself a convinced Christian – had received the missionary doctor at the end of August – between door and door in Munich and then arranged the meeting in Belgium. In the end, everything fell into place. The financial commitment was not easy for the Autentic people to take (to be honest, it did hurt a bit), but after hearing the story of Diospi Suyana, they were naturally challenged. We are convinced that God has again directed this coup.

After children’s clubs, hospital, school and media center, the youth festivals of Diospi Suyana represent the fifth working branch. The areas can be combined, of course. For example, all evening concerts of the festival will be broadcast live over our 12 radio frequencies throughout southern Peru.

Caption: Robert van Iterson, Dr. Klaus John, CEO Glenn Verborgh, Manager Mike Denys and Export Director Christoph Schäfer.

Model of one of the tents Diospi Suyana receives.
The adventure can begin. At least for 2000 young people next year.
The man with the beard became the key person: Robert van Iterson.
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