With courage and discernment
Darwinism is a dogma for many. The people who cast doubt on his Theory of Evolution are quickly denounced. Yet the list of scientists grows steadily of those learned men and women who distance themselves from this theory.

Prof. Richard Smalley, the Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry (1996), who has eight honourary doctorates, was a Darwinist and agnostic for most of his life. But two years before his death he said:
“Evolution has received its death blow. After I read “Origins of Life“ [2004] with the background of my career in chemistry and physics, I realised that Evolution could never have happened.“

Antony Flew used to be one the most vehement proponents of one of the Darwinist materialistic philosophies, which denies the existence of God. Among other things the philosopher prepared the way for the atheist Richard Dawkins, author of the book «The God Delusion ».
The professor of philosophy took the world by surprise in 2004 when he publicly professed his belief in God. The following two factors caused him to finally break with Atheism: «First, my growing understanding for the opinions of Albert Einstein and other leading scientists, who all stated that there must be an intelligence behind all the complexities of the physical universe. Second, my own realisation that one can only explain this complexity – which is far more complex than the physical universe – if one acknowledges the existence of an intelligent origin.» DNS highlights «an almost unbelievable complexity ». An intelligence must be behind it.

Thomas Nagel studied in Oxford and Harvard, taught in Princeton for a long time and has been teaching at the New York University for more than 30 years. A couple of years ago an outcry went up from the Intellectual Establishment, when the US-icon for philosophy openly broke with Darwinism. „Darwinism is not only an insufficient explanation for the origin of the species, but has morphed from an –ism into an ideology, which tries to infiltrate every area of reality and demands to be seen as an explanation for everything. As Darwinism represents a paradigm, on which the world’s outlook politically correct is founded, it is very difficult to question it!“ Nagel interprets the disgusted opposition towards any objection to the Theory of Evolution as an atheistic credo und thereby as a paradoxical form of just that „insatiable“ desire of every human ”to believe“.

Among other things Wickramasinghe is a ScD of Cambridge University since 1973 and an honourary doctor of Soka University of Tokyo (1986). The professor for applied Mathematics headed an astrophysics-work-group at the University of Cardiff.
On this topic he writes: “Right from the start of my scientific training I was brainwashed. I was told that science and any notion of deliberate creation were irreconcilable. It was very embarrassing for me to give up this idea. Currently I am in a fairly awkward situation due to this belief status. But there is no way out that seems to be logical…. No other possibility exists to understand the precise order found in all the building blocks of life, unless you invoke a creation in a universal sense.“

The Nobel Prize Winner and neurophysiologist John Eccles started his career as a Darwinist. Towards the end of his life he was convinced that God created the world.
“If you do not believe in Purpose and Design you can argue that this is only Chance and Necessity. But in relation to the question of one’s own existence it is foolish to limit oneself to Chance and Necessity. … They [the ›Naturalists‹, i.e. those who support the Synthetic Evolution Theory] need a bit more humility, humility for the idea, that we are all part of this – all living creatures and naturally all humans and that they are all part of one big creation plan!“
In 2006 over 500 scientists signed a public declaration, in which they expressed their doubt in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution: “We doubt that chance mutation and natural selection can explain the complexity of life!“
These 514 signatories were not the only ones. Several scientists from US-American and Russian academies, 154 biologists, 76 chemists and 63 physicians added themselves to their number. All of them had doctorates or professorships in the areas of biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine and computer sciences and some of them taught at the elite-universities MIT, Cambridge, UCLA, UC Berkeley, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, University of Georgia and the University of Washington.