A Bulgarian goes flat out
A phone call from Kressbronn yesterday afternoon and the news for the website is in the bag – Thursday 27th April. I have just finished my talk in the Christlichen Gemeinde Kressbronn e. V.. Chartered engineer Ivaylo Iovtchev goes to the microphone. He takes a deep breath and says: “Having seen such a presentation we cannot go on living as we have done up to 7:30 p.m.!”
Emotional stuff. The story of Diospi Suyana touches hearts and stimulates minds. But come the next morning most listeners’ worlds have returned back to normal.
Ivaylo Iovtchev, who was born in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, seems to be made of sterner stuff. This week he decided that he would make the first book on Diospi Suyana “I have seen God” available to his fatherland. Some chapters are already translated:
“Мъглата обгръщаше серпентините в непрозрима бяла пелина. Внимателно маневрирах колата по безкрайните завои към билото на прохода. Давид Брейди, и аз бяхме на преговори в Абанаси с правителствените чиновници. Нашето усърдие си заслужи, защото управлението обеща да започне в кратък срок с циментирането на входа на мисионерската ни болница…”
Before he embarked on this project he estimated the amount of time and energy he would need. As he needs two hours to translate one page the time investment will be around 500 hours.
Diplomatically put, one could call this project ‘ambitious’ and so Ivaylo discussed it with his wife Lena. The mother of his three children answered philosophically: “Ivaylo, if you do not translate this book, it will have consequences. But if you do translate it, it will also have consequences!” The nurse’s words ring true.
Ivaylo hopes to have finished his project next year and wants to be translator on Diospi Suyana’s first tour through Bulgaria – hopefully in 2018. Diospi Suyana could then be made known from Sofia to Warna and from Burgas to Weliko Tarnowo.
The translation’s working title is: I have seen God– Аз видях Бога
Who would have thought that Diospi Suyana would reach Sofia?