Somewhere along the line the dentist came across an article about Diospi Suyana. It was old, from 2009, but it started Dra. Ursula Lozano thinking. In fact she couldn´t get the mission hospital with its dental clinic for the mountain Indios of Southern Peru off her mind.
After some email exchange she watched the Diospi Suyana lap-top presentation in a small restaurant in Lima. Result: she bid her friends in Lima goodbye, gave notice at her two jobs and three weeks ago traveled to Curahuasi, 650miles south.
Diospi Suyana is very happy that this dynamic young dentist has joined the team. She is a committed Christian and the reason for her drastic decision is her faith in Jesus Christ. Such a move from the capital to the provinces is a social no-no. But Dra. Lozano did not hesitate. As you can see, she has not lost her lovely smile.