The Peruvian healthcare system is in crisis
Last week, two delegations – each led by a mayor – appeared at the entrance to the hospital. They had the same request as many local politicians before them: “Please build a Hospital Diospi Suyana in our locality!”
With its few doctors, the mission hospital is actually a small player in the vast field of health care facilities. We could never fix the plight of inadequate medical care in the Peruvian mountains. We struggle day after day to keep from falling to our knees under the onslaught of patients. Nevertheless, after 15 years of operation, Diospi Suyana’s reputation is legendary.
We know that the establishment of the hospital and its survival depend on God’s faithfulness. Without his protection and often supernatural help, we would be finished tomorrow. And even though we know that God is all-powerful, sometimes we worry so much that we can’t sleep at night. /KDJ