When a school turns into a museum

The second exhibition at the Diospi-Suyana-School attracts a lot of attention

Last Thursday evening one could admire a vast array of artistic creations in the dining room and along the corridors of the science building.  Inspired by Prisca Seidel and Sophia Leihkauf, the voluntary welfare workers for one year, the pupils from grades 1-10 had successfully made different works of art using various materials from each art epoch.  Teachers, parents and pupils were visibly impressed by the results.  Grades 1 and 2 presented the story of the little caterpillar in one whole folder; grades 4-6 on the other hand had a go at modern art.  The higher grades dealt with Byzantine Art and plastics.

The works of art of 8 pupils received prizes, due to their special quality and/or their ingenuity.

For me as Head of School it became apparent once again how valuable voluntary welfare workers for one year are.  It is fascinating to experience firsthand what high school graduates are capable of.  The school community and the Diospi Suyana Society thanks our voluntary welfare workers for everything they have done for us this year, since they will be leaving us in August.  For their future lives we wish them God’s rich blessing./CB

Our voluntary welfare workers inspired our pupils to reach truly new heights.
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