From Albania to Peru


Daniel and Rebeca Müller are about to embark on the next phase of their lives

When I look out of my office window I can see the workmen hammering and hitting madly.  The outer walls of the orthopaedic workshop are growing quickly and if all goes to plan the opening ceremony will be in the autumn.  My gaze wanders back to the computer on my desk – I focus on my inbox; when suddenly, fittingly to the backdrop, a message from Albania comes up on my screen.

Orthopaedic technician Daniel Müller and his Ecuadorian wife are looking forward to moving to Peru.  After founding a rehabilitation centre in the land of the Skipetars, Daniel, who hails from Baden-Württemberg, will embark on his next task.  Rebeca is a qualified beautician: an ideal asset for the make-up room of our media centre.  Head of school, Christian Bigalke, will personally welcome their children, Kimberley, Kylie und Rachael, at the school gates.

Daniel’s parents were the causa sine qua non.  They gave him the book “God has seen us.” Having read it through, he immediately contacted our office in Germany.  It is highly likely that the Müllers will be mentioned in Diospi-Suyana’s third book.  We wish the family “Udhëtim të mbarë!” (safe travel).

Ortho Werkstatt
The orthopaedic workshop near the hospital’s entrance.
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