“Man is an entire man only where he plays” (Goethe)
If the illustrious poet could spend one break time in the Diospi-Suyana-School, he would have a lot of fun! Currently the most popular games are:
Australian ballgame: similar to tennis 4-6 players have to play the ball first into their own then into the opposition’s court, in order that they are not out. If this does happen, eager successors wait to take one’s place. The Australian family Welch imported this game and the whole school loves it.
Whirligig game: above we see Gerson from 6th grade trying to spin away a fellow player’s whirligig. This ancient game comes from the Quechua culture and lives on amongst our pupils.
Chapa-chapa: the classical game of “it” is cultivated the world over. When crossing the school yard one needs to pay attention that one is not run over by the fleeing masses of children. The wonderful thing about this game is that pupils from grades 3 to 10 can play together. Pupils from the Primaria and the Secundaria share the yard during their communal break times.
The games are a good counterbalance to all the sitting in class. Here in Peru all pupils have 30 hours right from 1st grade onwards; this number increases to 35 hours in 7th grade. Add to this several more hours of extra tuition and working in groups.
As several of our pupils receive very little attention at home, they have found a second home in the Colegio. Thus they love to spend time at school; this is one (but not the only) requirement for being successful at school. /CB