Dad, Mom, Child
The large demonstration in Lima last Thursday united people from the most diverse classes and groups of society. Christians and non-Christians, Catholics and Protestants expressed their clear preference for one successful model: the family!
The most important counselor in the history of the world puts it succinctly in the following formula: “And God created man in His image, in the image of God He created him; and created them male and female!” (Genesis 1:27 Luther)
In a democratic constitutional state, freedom of expression should be guaranteed. If – as was recently the case at a German university – a biologist is only disinvited because she holds the opinion that biologically there are only two sexes, the right to freedom of opinion is in danger. We share the opinion of this atheistic scientist: All human cells have either a double X chromosome in the genome or an X and a Y chromosome. The topic of “gender” has become a scary “gender madness” for millions of people.
Diospi Suyana fights for the marginalized groups of Peruvian society. We want to assist the Quechua Indians, the single women, the unborn children, the alcoholics and the marginalized. Our outreach is based on the conviction that God loves all people. God’s order of creation is and remains binding for us: Daddy, mommy, child! – It’s time we said that loud and clear. /KDJ