As expected, the Saturday meeting was a long one.
Attending were Dr Allen George (USA), Dr. Amy George (USA), Dr. Martina
John (Germany), Hannelore Zimmermann (Germany), Lyndal Maxwell (Australia) and Dr Klaus-Dieter John (Germany)
The challenges for the next 11 months are tremendous.
1. 1 million USD need to be raised.
2. The hospital is supposed to be finished.
3. About 20 staff members are to be integrated.
4. The language school for volunteers needs to be organized.
5. Living space needs to be found for a few missionary families.
6. The equipment that is needed has to be found.
7. Containers from Germany, Australia and the US need to be imported.
8. Cooperating agreements with the government, the municipal administration of Curahuasi, Abancay university, etc. have to be finalized.
9. Three trips to Germany and the US need to be prepared.
10. Three to five U.S. work teams need to be trained and looked after.
These are many and big tasks for a small team. Please support and pray for