In Germany a group of 4 girls and 8 boys were to be confirmed into the church. Traditionally the confirmation takes place in a church service and the offering taken up can be given to a cause chosen by those being confirmed. The minister of the church was Tilman Grabinski. The group decided to dedicate the offering to the mission project. Udo and Barbara Klemenz attended the church service in representation of Diospi Suyana. They went prepared with a laptop, projector and photos of the hospital in Peru.
Udo gave an enthusiastic report about the service in which both he and Barbara shared about the hospital work, as well as showing the short film depicting the hospital’s history. The offering taken up afterwards resulted in 570 Euros donated to the work. This generous contribution came from only the 30 people presented to witness the 12 young people being confirmed.
We want to thank everyone for their efforts on behalf of the hospital.