A power struggle in the streets and squares of the republic
A corrupt president who tried to prevent his impeachment through a coup d’état is in prison. Now his henchmen are causing chaos on the streets. So far, more than 100 police officers have been injured. In the state of Apurimac, where Diospi Suyana Hospital is located, all schools remain closed until further notice. The airport of Andahuaylas was occupied and heavily demolished by angry campesinos. In Cusco, the airport is under siege. The traffic between Lima and Cusco (1000 km) came to a standstill.
The feelings of the mountain people are a mixture of deep disappointment and anger. On the one hand, their hopeful Pedro Castillo has proven completely incapable of improving their circumstances. On the other hand, the corrupt Congress continues to act and does not want to call for immediate new elections.
It must be doubted that the new president, Dina Boluarte, will be able to hold on to office for long. Due to the failure of the political elite, Peru is increasingly entering troubled waters. And no one can predict where the current will take the country at the moment.
Mission Hospital employees walked to work yesterday. Work at the hospital was normal. But each new day requires an up-to-date assessment of the situation. /KDJ