Ricardo Marquéz

Taxifahrer Ricardo

Who delivered him?

A taxi-driver takes me from one end of Lima to the other, a drive of at least thirty minutes. It is  hard not to notice the Bible on the front passenger seat and within ten seconds we are deep in conversation. Ricardo is as old as me but his life in Lima has been very different from mine in Europe.

“ I took drugs for seven years, marijuana and crack (cocain). One day I overdosed and felt like I was going to die! I dragged myself to my mother´s house,“

“Was she able to help you?“

“No, but she called three women that she knew, two missionaries from Germany and one from Switzerland. When the women saw the state I was in they sat me down at the window and told me to look to the heavens. Then they went into the next room and prayed for me!“

“How long did the women pray?“

“All day long, about nine hours!“

“Did it work, did you feel better?“

“I have never taken drugs again from that day to this. It changed me completely. I am now a believer in Jesus Christ and my faith is the most important thing in my life!“

“Tell me about your life now“

“I have been off drugs for 23 years, I am married and we have three children. I earn my living driving a taxi,“

“Do I have your permission to publish your story?“

“Of course!“

A week earlier I had heard a similar story from another taxi-driver. Two life-stories, two drug careers, two deliverances. Both are convinced that Jesus Christ turned their lives around.

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