So much water – when will it finally end?
Piura, a city in northern Peru with 0.4 million inhabitants, is not far from the Ecuadorian border. The average daytime temperature for March is 34°C; the average rainfall is 18mm for the third month of the year.
Due to the phenomenon “El Niño” Piura is currently literally drowning in the floods. The internet is also swamped with pictures, which give everyone an idea of how severe this natural disaster is. On the central Plaza de Armas the water level stood at 1.5m.
Without having friends or family personally affected, it is very hard to grasp the sheer plight of those living there. Despite the government’s verbal promises of help, most of the inhabitants of Piura will have to fend for themselves, especially once the media has a new focus and their plight will have been quickly forgotten.