Our orthopedics team constantly has new ideas

Forearm walkers for children from own production

There was a lack of walking aids for children. When asked in Germany, the monotonous answer in each case was: “We are currently sending all walking aids to Ukraine!” Our staff at the Orthopedic Center was mulling over a solution.
The result is impressive.

On the left, Daniel Müller holds an industrially manufactured crutch (blue). On the right, Christian Haupt shows the head of a new walking aid from his own 3D printer. The material is a great donation from the company “Material4Print”. When it comes to printing, the sky’s the limit. And knowing our friends Daniel and Christian, they’re going to push the envelope big time.

A generous donation in kind from the “Material4print” company
A thank you photo for the company from Löhne
A printed hand
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