Missionary child back in Curahuasi
Nils Haßfeld lived in Curahuasi for almost eight years. Now he sits at the head of the table in the same house from back then and rejoices. He says; “Yes, this is where I feel safe. In Curahuasi I could live and be content!”
The likeable young man (23), of course, struggles with the same fate as many other missionary children. Where does it actually belong? On the one hand, he is German and speaks his native language without any accent. But on the other hand, he spent much of his childhood in the mountains of Curahuasi. The Peruvian mentality is completely familiar to him. It is firmly part of his own identity. Nils is a person between two cultures. Missionary children are therefore called “Third Culture Kids.”
No matter where Nils puts down his roots in the long term, the memories of the “world capital of aniseed” will always accompany him.