Many people remember a special moment in which they became convinced of the reality of God. Michael Mörl grew up on a farm in Saxony. He worked at our missions hospital for 3 ½ years. This is his story:
„When I was 11 years old, I wanted to ride on horseback. So I took the new whip of my brother’s and rode off on our horse called Susen. All of a sudden, along the way, the horse took off with me. When it reached the end of the paddock, ready to burst through the fence, I was terrified and threw myself to the ground. Fortunately, it was easy to catch Susen again and I then took her back to the farm, walking. The whip which I was still holding in hand, I put back in the saddle.
In order to take a shortcut I crossed a grainfield of about 3 square kilometers on which combine harvesters were busy at work. Having finally reached home, I wanted to put the whip back in its place but it was no longer in the saddle. My mother asked me to go and look immediately for the treasured item. So I got onto my bike and was off again.
I searched the paths in the forrest, to no avail. I was concerned the yellow whip might be lying somewhere on the huge yellow grainfield that was being changed from minute to minute by those combine harvesters.
As I was biking along the cornfield, it occurred to me to ask God for help. I took my hands off the bike’s handlebar and folded them in prayer. I remembered the words of our pastor who said it would be better to close one’s eyes when praying. Well, I stopped, closed my eyes and asked God for help. I was fully aware that I’d never find that whip on that huge field.
I opened my eyes again, ready to continue biking when I saw the whip lying right in front of me on the stubble!
This answer to prayer experienced in his childhood was to mark Michael Mörl’s life for decades. Jesus asks us to pray with the simple-heartedness of a child. There seems to be nothing in the whole universe that pleases God more than our childlike trust in Him. Wouldn’t you like to try it once?