After three years of hard work
Despite having four children and three grandchildren back at home, Matthias and Uta Kügler could not be prevented from spending three years at Diospi Suyana. Matthias, who had worked as technical manager at a school in Berlin for several years, quickly took on a responsible role in the workshops and also as janitor at the Diospi-Suyana-School. His tasks stretched from technical medicine to various building measures. Under his leadership the hospital bakery enjoyed its greatest heyday. Uta successfully joined the workers (nurses!) of the world and proved that she still had sufficient energy reserves.
With their life-experience the Küglers cared for young colleagues and the voluntary welfare workers for one year. Their support lifted the moral of the whole team.
There was never any doubt as to their own motivation. The devout Christians had boldly professed their faith during GDR-times. And no one knew better than the Küglers that one’s faith may never be reduced to merely talking the talk.
(S)He who thinks the veterans are off to relax on a lovely beach could not be more wrong. The two of them will shortly start their three-month stint working at a Christian-humanitarian organisation in the city of Andahuaylas. Their long-term future lies in God’s hand.
Diospi Suyana wishes Matthias and Uta God’s rich blessing, health and fulfilment for and in the next chapter of their lives and we close by saying: Mil gracias!
Above picture caption: Dr. Jens Haßfeld has just finished delivering his thank you speech. Marion Hofmann presented the couple with some gifts that will surely fit into their suitcase.